Friday, January 9, 2009

A True Vacation

Hey everyone!

Sorry I've been M.I.A. for the past couple of days... I have been snowboarding in Winter Park, Colorado and didn't have much access to a computer! While this normally stresses me out (I am a compulsive email checker!), it was actually pretty nice to have a true vacation, away from the modern technologies that crowd our daily lives.

I would recommend taking a "electronics-free" vacation to anyone... it's very liberating! Once you get over the initial anxiety of not having immediate information at your fingertips and worrying about so-and-so not being able to get in touch with you, you realize that a couple of days without cell phones, computers, and iPods is not the end of the world! You truly get to focus on you, which is what a VACATION (key word: VACATE) is all about! You are supposed to relinquish your worries, stresses, and anxieties and simply enjoy being alive!

So whether you go to Colorado, Fiji, or a hammock in your backyard, take a true vacation by giving yourself a break from all the things that fill your every-day life and just... be.


  1. Melissa- I know your parents...I linked your STA video to my blog. Good luck!

  2. Melissa, are you taking another true vacation? I need some MelissaLandryblogging in my life right now. Write. Now.

    Also, I miss you.
