Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Breaking the Status Quo

I absolutely love the Luann comic. It’s such a great depiction of a typical teenage girl’s life, and it cracks me up at how accurate it can be! Luann, along with her best friends, Delta and Bernice, is continuously trying to balance her academic, extracurricular, and (especially) social lives, and in doing so provides a great character from which to watch and learn.

The other day, the comic struck me as the classic example of what can happen when you limit yourself to solely interacting with similar-minded people. So many times, we close ourselves off to people who are different than us, whether in their actions, speech, or dress. By doing so, we miss out on exciting experiences and opportunities that could be afforded us if we only broke down the walls of familiarity. As Delta wisely observed, when you associate with only people that are exactly like you, you end up having a pretty lame party.

But that is one of the GREAT things about traveling! It forces us to let down our barriers and embrace cultures and environments that are foreign to our own. It challenges us to break the status quo and grow as human beings. It encourages us to learn from those that are different than us, and in doing so, we emerge as well-rounded and worldly individuals. As Mark Twain wisely said, "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness." By expanding our horizons, we also expand the scope of our “party,” thus making our lives a heck of a lot more interesting! Long live diversity!

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